I'm Mormon!

 If you're a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, and want to share in the joy and happiness that comes from sharing this gospel, I strongly recommend reading The Power of Everyday Missionaries by Clayton M. Christensen!

This book has several ideas that help us overcome the fear of doing missionary work, and really help us see how easy and fun it is to share what we love! 

Visit http://www.everydaymissionaries.org/

In fact, it is so much fun to do missionary work, that I thought I'd share a little poem about "Going for no" which you can learn more about on the website and in reading the book! 

Go for No!

We're successful, 
when we invite!
Regardless of whether
they take up in flight!

Just open your mouth
and the message will come!
To proclaim the glad tidings
It's really quite fun!  

So lift up your voice,
rejoice and sing! 
Just think of the joy
the message will bring!

If they accept,
then glory be!
 If they reject,
you're successful you see!

For whether it's yes,
or no triple no,
You're invitation
just goes to show, 

The love you have
for your Savior is dear.
You'll be oh so happy
and invite all who are near!
 ~Sister Janel A. Lewis 

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